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PPC For A Product

I did extensive keyword research for this product which exists in Amazon USA. As I always endeavor new methods and I did so. I put some formulas for filtering and thus I filtered the most pertinent keywords. Now the product has low ACOS and is earning a good number of sales.


À Product Of CA Market

This one did not take too much time because the market was not saturated and there were around 3000 keywords downloaded from Cerebro. So it was the easiest task I have ever had. Using the v lookup formula, I gather data from BA sheet, Magnet and Cerebro in a single one. And then I filtered the most relevant keywords on the basis of relevancy rank and search volume.


As far as the campaign is considered I first ran auto campaign along with some exact match. Once I got some more useful keywords I edited my primary or master sheet.


Extensive Research Of 30 Competitors

There were too many competitors in the market so after in-depth competitor analysis I decided to pull 30 competitors from Xray to Cerebro. Beside this there were two more sheets of Viral Launch and the BA one. So there were more than 150K keywords I had to filter 100 from.


I first gathered all data using Vlookup in one sheet and then I used average, countif and some other custom formulas to filter all data on the basis of only one matrix i.e. Rank average.  

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